Vision, Purpose, & Mission

Our Vision:

A body of believers bound together by our love for Jesus Christ and His Word, reflecting God's love, grace, and truth.

Our Vision reflects a functioning church body tightly bound together by God, through Jesus Christ, and in his Holy Spirit. This bond of love and joy strengthens our church family, resulting in strong relationships without partiality. It speaks of our desire to edify one another and God’s desire for grace and truth in the church. Our bond of love motivates everything we do, individually and together. This is the vision we wish to show all nations.

Our Purpose:

To glorify God by loving as Jesus loves.

As a church body called to reflect God’s love, grace, and truth, we want to honor God by loving all people as Jesus loves all people. This generates a life of glorifying God and good works toward everyone, friend and enemy alike. To do so generates the desire and the ability to share the gospel with all people and to live in obedience before Him. Loving Him means we will fulfill the Great Commission given to his followers and keep his commandments in honor of his love towards us.

Our Four-Pillar Mission

What we do - motivated by our purpose, in pursuit of our vision:

  1. Present the gospel message of salvation based on faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ and a true repentance and conversion.
  2. Teach and nurture believers toward a sanctified life and to faithfulness by God's grace, through His Word.
  3. Preserve sound doctrine by "contending for the faith."
  4. Offer loving, humble deeds of service to fellow believers and all mankind in the name of Christ.

Guiding Principles

The Apostolic Christian Church of America has developed Guiding Principles that outline the "how" of living out our vision, purpose, and four pillar mission.

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Proverbs 29:18

"Where there is no vision; the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he."

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