Our Sunday and Wednesday night services are open to anybody. We welcome visitors!
The worship service in the Apostolic Christian churches reflects our reverence for God, the priesthood of all believers1, and our emphasis on order2 and simplicity.
We sing a cappella (that is, without instruments), blending our voices in four-part harmony, focusing on God. We use hymnals with time-tested spiritual songs3 – some familiar to most churches and some unique to our heritage – that contain deep doctrinal truth.
Men and women normally sit separately rather than in family groups, partly to facilitate the four-part singing, but also to make singles and widows/widowers more comfortable. This may not apply at all congregations during special occasions, such as weddings, funerals and holidays. Visitors can feel free to sit with their spouses and/or families at any time.
As directed in the Bible, female members wear a covering on their heads during prayer and worship.4 Male members pray with their heads uncovered.5
Preaching is done by lay ministers, who have been chosen by, and from among, the congregation. They are faithful men of good report with a consistent Christian witness and zeal for truth. Since we believe God knows best what the congregation needs, sermons are typically not prepared ahead of time. When ministers stand to preach, they usually open the Bible randomly, trusting in the leading of the Holy Spirit.
"Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:"
In the assembly room, prayer is offered to God while kneeling. This is a tangible way of showing our humility before an almighty God. During the first part of the worship service, prayer is offered by the minister conducting the service. Near the end of the service, however, any brother from the congregation may be asked to pray.
We do not pass a collection plate. Instead, when collections are taken for special purposes they are announced from the pulpit and donations are placed in "charity boxes" which are located in the church hallways. People give on a free will basis, as they feel led by God's Spirit.
There is no “altar call” since we believe that the Holy Spirit draws souls individually according to his timing. You will hear, however, frequent appeals during the sermon for the unconverted to repent.
On Sunday mornings, children attend Sunday School, while the adults have a worship service. This is followed by noon lunch, a pleasant time of food and fellowship for everyone in attendance. Everyone, adults and children, then reconvenes for an afternoon service.
If you have not attended before, please check out our
What To Expect page. Please join us!